Chemical Play Candles – Safety Information

Before you use the chemical play candles, test and evaluate the reaction and sensation levels. Remember, chemical exposure can not be undone. When testing, make sure you have some antihistamine and a neutralizer readily available to lessen the reaction if it goes bad. Your inner arm is a sensitive enough area to test without adverse effects. If you do not have time to test for reaction and irritation, consider using these another time. Food and chemical allergies can be sudden and harmful. Always take into consideration allergies during scene negotiation and use open communication during play.

It is highly recommended that these candles are for external use only. Heating from the chemicals can cause burning to mucous membranes (Nose, vagina or anus). Any signs of a rash or blistering beyond normal irritation is worth medical attention.

When using the candles, remember the reaction is not instant. Do not put more wax on the area, allow the sensation to build. Just because you don’t feel it right away, doesn’t mean it isn’t working. Irritation and sensation can last up to and over an hour. Plan your scene and aftercare around the time sensation will be present.

Make sure the areas you apply to are shaved. Direct skin contact for the irritant and neutralizer is best (Plus, no caught hair!) ALWAYS wear gloves when handling and removing the wax/chemicals.

The chilli infused candles are made with red chilli pepper. The scoville rating is 30,000 – 50,000. I highly suggest you test this one prior since the reaction is best felt once the wax is removed and the capsaicin oxidizes.

There are a broad amount of areas the chemical candles can be used on genitalia. Including, but not limited to:

  • On the cock
  • Balls
  • Perineum
  • Nipples
  • Inner thighs
  • Ass
  • Area around the vagina
  • Breasts and underboob

Chemical Play Candle Removal Steps

To remove chemicals prematurely, there are multiple neutralizers to help remove excess and calm irritation which include:

  • Vinegar
  • Olive oil
  • Aloe vera
  • Lube (not as effective, but useful)

Avoid using water immediately, it spreads the irritant. Warm water opens pores and worsens the discomfort. DO NOT RUB.

The following steps should be followed to remove and clean the area:

  1. Blot off any excess residue with paper towel or tissue.
  2. Saturate a clean cloth or cotton ball in a neutralizer and blot the affected area until the sensation lessens.
  3. After time passes, wash the area with cool water and mild soap and pat the area dry with a clean towel.

Take extra precaution whilst cleaning and make sure you do not rub the saturated areas during this process. It will spread the chemical and cause further irritation.

In the event of a scene going foul, please make sure you seek immediate medical attention.